Washington Post Article
"What Mr. Trump borrows from Jackson is not an issue, but a way of thinking about the world," Inskeep writes.
NY Times: Donald Trump's Secret? Channeling Jackson
"Mr. Trump promises to fix his supporters’ problems, no matter who else is hurt. He’s a wealthy celebrity always ready for a fight, a superpatriot who says he will make America great again. He vows to attack government corruption and defend the common man. All this could be said of Jackson." (cite link above)
PBS: What Andrew Jackson has in Common with Trump
"Well, actually, go back 200 years. Andrew Jackson transformed American politics and in many ways reinvented the American presidency running as an outsider. Certainly, the establishment was horrified. It’s one of the great set pieces of American democracy, the scene of Inauguration Day, 1829, when Jackson and his fellow Westerners descended on the town, took it over. And it was never quite the same." (cite link above)
Trump's Populist Rise like Andrew Jackson's
"The election of 1824 was widely described as a corrupt bargain. The Jacksonians spent four years bitterly attacking Adams and his supporters. Even after his presidency, the establishment saw Jackson as such a disruptive, hostile outsider that its historians minimized and criticized his presidency for more than a century. His first really favorable biography is Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s "The Age of Jackson," in 1945. If you have to wait 117 years after your election for a good review, you have really offended the old order." (cite link above)
Trump's Appeal As American As Andrew Jackson
"Trump has trampled on almost every political piety, and gotten away with it, even when he has been factually wrong or had to backtrack. “The Jacksonian hero dares to say what the people feel and defies the entrenched elites,” Mead writes. “The hero may make mistakes, but he will command the unswerving loyalty of Jacksonian America so long as his heart is perceived to be in the right place.” (cite link above)
Attacks on Trump's Wife Deja Vu of Jackson's
"In 1828, in the middle of a bitter presidential campaign, the political establishment became frustrated by their inability to take down Andrew Jackson. He was opposing their call for a second national bank. He was from the West; all six American presidents had come from the East Coast. He was a Presbyterian; they were all Episcopalian. He had no governing experience. They were all members of the nation’s political aristocracy. Two came from the same family. Four had been secretary of state. But Jackson was tough. He carried several bullets in his body from wars with the Indians, the British and personal duels defending his honor. When establishment attacks on him backfired his angry political enemies turned on his wife. Rachel Jackson was savaged. Yesterday, in an eerie reflection of this historical rerun, a supporter of Ted Cruz lashed out against Melania Trump." (cite link above)
"Had you asked pundits during the 1824 presidential campaign whether General Andrew Jackson’s mug would ever grace America’s third-most popular
greenback, they would have called you insane. The Washington political
establishment believed that Jackson’s short temper, reckless disregard
for political niceties and desire to insult (or shoot) his enemies meant
he simply wasn’t presidential material. Yet in 1828 – four years after
he won the popular vote but, through quirks of the system,
lost the election, the American people – fed up with back-room
“politics as usual” – propelled Jackson to the White House for the first
of two terms." (cite link above)